Bringing together stakeholders from business, science and politics - on its own platform


Simply start up! 2024

Strengthening the growth, attractiveness and internationality of the location

At a time when markets are changing rapidly and companies are constantly facing new challenges, innovation and digitalization play a central role - not only for companies themselves, but also for business development. "Innovation and digitalization are key components of our strategy," says Doris Petersen, Managing Director of hannoverimpuls. For business development agencies such as hannoverimpuls, it is a matter of providing companies with targeted support in adapting to these challenges and integrating new technologies profitably into their business processes - both in new, digital business models and in the digital transformation of traditional companies.

The aim of business development agencies such as hannoverimpuls is clear: "We help companies to recognize new trends at an early stage and to master the challenges of digital transformation, sustainability and climate protection with agility," says Petersen. This strategy is particularly evident in the field of the digital economy, which is now driving forward not only start-ups but also established companies.


Leanlab 2024 - From idea to business model in 48 hours 

But how exactly can business promotion provide concrete support here? In addition to traditional support measures such as financial aid, advice and networking events, hannoverimpuls also focuses on targeted innovation competitions and support programs. Numerous start-ups have been supported on their way into international markets - a success that shows how important it is to focus on knowledge exchange, communication and networking.

A good example of this is the UNLEASH startup convention taking place in November 2024, where the next development in the use of coapp will also be presented. Not only will the event communication take place in advance mainly via , the innovative network format will suggest suitable business contacts via the "matchmaking" feature, send automated invitations to events and enable all participants to stay in touch after the convention and continue working on ideas.


A community platform as a key element for business development

Doris Petersen describes the community platform coapp as a key element in the business development of tomorrow in order to strengthen digital networks and bring together stakeholders from business, science and politics in an uncomplicated way. After all, it is important to work together with strong partners to strengthen the growth, attractiveness and internationality of Hannover as a business location: "With our platform from coapp, we are the first business development agency in Germany to open up a completely new way to network contacts digitally," she explains. This shows that digitalization does not end with the companies, but is also changing the work of the development agencies themselves.


"coapp is an indispensable tool that helps us to exploit the full potential of our collaboration and achieve sustainable success in the long term"


Petersen emphasizes that the platform is not only used for internal collaboration, but also for exchange with other regional and national partners. "coapp makes it easier for us to create synergies by enabling seamless communication and coordination - both within our organization and with external partners." This efficient exchange of knowledge speeds up processes, facilitates the implementation of support measures and ultimately enables companies in the region to grow faster and more effectively.


"What is particularly noteworthy is how uncomplicated the exchange of knowledge via the platform is."


Uncomplicated knowledge exchange via your own platform

The example of hannoverimpuls shows that innovation and digitalization are not only challenges, but also opportunities - both for companies and for business development. Platforms such as coapp play a key role in this by simplifying and accelerating collaboration: "coapp is an indispensable tool that helps us to exploit the full potential of collaboration and achieve sustainable success in the long term," summarizes Petersen. "The ease with which knowledge can be shared via the platform is particularly noteworthy. Information and best practices can be shared easily, enabling more effective and targeted coordination of promotional measures. This not only leads to better coordination between the parties involved, but also has a direct positive impact on the companies in the region. By optimizing collaboration, we can respond more quickly to challenges and implement projects even more successfully, which ultimately strengthens the competitiveness of the entire region."


The future of business development is digital, globally networked and sustainable

Looking to the future, Doris Petersen sees clear priorities: "Our vision is to establish Hannover as a strong location for innovation. We want to further expand our support programs, particularly in the area of sustainability and green technologies." In addition, the last few years in particular have shown how important international networking and business contacts are, she explains. The future of business development is therefore digital, globally networked and sustainable - and hannoverimpuls is leading the way.


Photos: Kevin Münkel

Hardy Seiler

Hardy is Co-Founder and CXO of coapp - a community platform for the age of hybrid work and the B2B sharing economy. The award-winning designer is responsible for the coapp brand design, the user interface design and user experience.

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