coapp celebrates European Data Protection Day: Why GDPR is so important to us

Congratulations on European Data Protection Day! Or has the annual day of action passed you by so far? The German government introduced it back in 2007 to raise awareness of the importance of European data protection.

As a German start-up, we have come into contact with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) right from the start. Here you can find out why it is of crucial importance for us - and above all, of course, for you as users.

Since our start at coapp, it has been clear to us from the very beginning that we not only want to offer the most innovative product possible, but also have to set the highest standards in terms of data protection. We have therefore decided to take the GDPR seriously and take all necessary measures to protect the privacy of our users.

But wait a minute, why is the GDPR so important?

The General Data Protection Regulation is an EU-wide regulation that aims to strengthen the rights and protection of EU citizens' personal data. It gives people more control over their personal information and obliges companies to handle this sensitive data more transparently and responsibly. The GDPR thus provides companies with a clear legal framework for processing personal data on the one hand and ensures that consumers must be informed transparently on the other.

As a German or European company, it is practically in coapp's DNA to comply with the highest data protection standards. Our server locations are located exclusively in the EU to ensure that all data is stored and processed in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR. This enables us to provide a secure and trustworthy platform for you as a user.

And what does that mean for us users?

Of course, GDPR compliance is not just a legal obligation for us, but first and foremost a responsibility towards you - our users. For us, trust is the foundation of any successful partnership, which is why we attach great importance to ensuring that your data is in safe hands.

In an increasingly digital world, in which data is becoming more and more important for the economy, the issue of data protection is becoming more and more important for people's daily lives, because the consequence of this digitalization is that more and more personal data is being collected. Social platforms, online banking, email traffic and remote work - this increasing amount of data on the World Wide Web requires robust rules to avoid risks for the individual (and not least for our democracies).

Sure - legal and regulatory topics don't sound all that exciting at first. However, the relevant legal foundations form the basis on which we as a company handle your data securely and responsibly and thus protect you: for example, the voluntary commitment to transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity, confidentiality and accountability.

And why the day of action on January 28?

On January 28, 1981, the Council of Europe adopted the groundbreaking Convention No. 108 "for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data". It sounds banal from today's perspective, but as a historic event it marked an important milestone in data protection for the first time, which today, 41 years later, forms the basis of our high data protection standards.

In the world as we know it today, data is increasingly seen as a valuable asset. We see ourselves as promoters and enablers of healthy, dynamic communities - which is why the data law framework and the protection of personal data are of crucial importance to us.

coapp is therefore not only superficially committed to innovation and advanced technologies, but also to the fundamental rights and values that form the basis of our society. European Data Protection Day reminds us that the protection of privacy is not just a legal requirement, but a fundamental element of responsible and sustainable corporate governance. With this in mind - cheers to your data security! 🥂

Sonja Pham

Sonja Pham is a freelance journalist who writes about culture, cuisine and creativity. She studied communication design at the Munich Design School, which did not make her a graphic designer, but significantly strengthened her love of design and print journalism. She has been co-publishing Grafikmagazin as deputy editor-in-chief since the beginning of 2021.

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