coapp GmbH founded - a brand new software start-up from the Hafven launches today.

Hafven founders Hardy Seiler and Jonas Lindemann have founded coapp GmbH together with Magomed Arsaev. The company emerged from the development of the community platform, which initially only connected Hafven members and organized the use of coworking and maker spaces. Meanwhile, the software is already used by several networks and innovation hubs from all over Germany.

coapp already brings together many people and resources in multiple communities and handles the social and financial transactions between them. In the future, the platform will become the operating system for the age of hybrid working and the B2B sharing economy for communities such as co-working spaces, professional networks and larger companies around the world.

"With the establishment of coapp as an independent limited company, we can now fully focus on helping community managers* around the world build great platforms, experiences and networks for more people."

says coapp co-founder and CXO Hardy Seiler.

"We simply know from our own experience that modern communities like Hafven have very different requirements for community software than they used to. And because the requirements have changed, but the available solutions haven't evolved, we're now taking care of closing that gap ourselves."

says coapp co-founder and CEO Jonas Lindemann.

coapp already brings together many people and resources in multiple communities and handles the social and financial transactions between them. In the future, the platform will become the operating system for the age of hybrid working and the B2B sharing economy for communities such as co-working spaces, professional networks and larger companies around the world.

Jonas Lindemann

Jonas is Co-Founder and CEO of coapp - a community platform for the age of hybrid work and the B2B sharing economy. Over the last years, he has founded and managed several companies in tech, innovation and B2B services. Jonas shares his experience with start-ups as an advisor and mentor.

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