The brand new version of the booking calendar is here

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the brand new booking calendar on your community platform to announce! With a host of exciting Features and improvements, this update provides a fresh and improved experience to manage resources, make bookings and collaborate with your community members. A big thank you to all the coapp communities who have worked closely with us, provided valuable feedback and contributed to this significant milestone. Your dedication and support is what makes this journey possible ❤️

Overview of the new Features and improvements to the booking calendar

The new booking calendar provides a better overview of available resources, making it easier than ever to find and book what you need. With a user-friendly interface, you can now effortlessly navigate through different resource categories, ensuring a seamless booking process.

Beautiful resource detail views

Say "Ciao" to boring and uninspired resource detail pages. The brand new booking calendar presents more beautiful and informative resource detail views. Each resource now has a dedicated page that displays essential information, images and other relevant details. This improvement helps members make decisions when reserving resources and answer frequent queries about bookable rooms, machines, and everything else ahead of time.

Improved calendar experience

We understand the importance of a well-organized and intuitive calendar system - after all, with thousands of bookings, the booking calendar is one of our most used features. That's why we've redesigned the calendar interface to provide a smooth and enjoyable experience. Switch seamlessly between different views, enable filters, and effortlessly manage your reservations - all in one place. The new calendar is designed to be intuitive, making booking easier for your members and support less of a hassle.

Numerous small improvements

In addition to the major improvements, we've integrated numerous small things based on user feedback. These tweaks contribute to a more user-friendly booking experience. We are confident that these small details will make a big difference in your daily interactions with the booking calendar.

Easy transition for your community

We understand that change can sometimes be unsettling. However, we have taken great care to ensure a seamless transition for all communities and their members. Existing booking URLs will be automatically redirected to the updated system to avoid confusion or disruption. So you can be sure that your members won't get lost during this transition 😊

Your feedback is gold

Just click on the new booking icon at the top right of your coapp community and explore the new Features for yourself. We'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Your feedback will help us to further refine coapp and make it better for you. Just use the little speech bubble at the bottom right to reach me and the team.

Hardy ❤️

Hardy Seiler

Hardy is Co-Founder and CXO of coapp - a community platform for the age of hybrid work and the B2B sharing economy. The award-winning designer is responsible for the coapp brand design, the user interface design and user experience.

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